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The Hampden Model H-6531 Hydraulic Demonstration Channel has been developed to investigate analytical applications of fluid mechanics to situations in which fluids can be treated as continuous media. The particular laws involved include conservation of mass, continuity, energy, and momentum. Application of these laws may be simplified in order to describe quantitatively the behavior of the fluid. H-6531-10-12 Pipe Flow Set is included with Model H-6531.
H-6531-11-12 SAF Stilling Basin Option
H-6531-12-12 Pipe Drop Inlet Option
H-6531-13-12 Hydraulic Jump Basin Option
H-6531-14-12 Sluice Gate w/Pressure Taps Option
H-6531-15-12 Weir - V-Notch Option
H-6531-16-12 Weir - Broad Crest Option
H-6531-17-12 Spillway Section Option
H-6531-18-12 Inclined Slope Option
H-6531-19-12 Contraction/Expansion Section Option (requires H-6531-10-12)
H-6531-20-12 Wave Generator Option
H-6531-21 Venturi Meter Option (requires H-6531-10-12)
H-6531-22 Flow Nozzle Pipe Section Option (requires H-6531-10-12)
H-6531-23-12 Gauge Carrier Option
H-6531-24 Pitot Tube Option (requires H-6531-23-12)
H-6927-10 Digital Differential Pressure Manometer Option
H-6531-26 Reynolds Experiment Apparatus Option (requires H-6531-23-12)
H-6530-27 Hook & Point Gauges for precise measurement of water surface elevation Option (requires H-6531-23-12).