


P.O. Box 563

​East Longmeadow, MA 01028

​(Toll Free) 800-253-2133 or 888-HEC-CORP

Local: 413-525-3981

​Fax: 413-525-4741​


The Hampden Model H-HEAT-1A Home Efficiency Auditor TESTING Facility will allow potential auditors to learn the proper techniques in performing a complete energy audit. Some of the areas covered are consistent data collection, insulation inspection, HVAC analysis, base load consumption, air leakage, energy usage, along with many more vital areas. Along with helping develop these skills the Hampden Model H-HEAT-1A is provided with an intricate fault package. This fault package will create a realistic situation that will require the auditor to diagnose the problem and specify maintenance or repair.
H-HEAT-TEP Test Equipment Package
H-HEAT-CC Curriculum and Certification Package
H-HEAT-MTP Mobile Trailer Package​

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