Basic Electricity/Electronics, including Ohm's law, magnetism, motors, diodes, transistors, etc. Available Case Stored -C or Drawer Stored -D.
Advanced Consumer Electronics, including vacuum tubes, JFETs, MOSFETs, super heterodyne radio, etc.
The Hampden Series of HEE-A Kits teach students about the Behavior of Electricity, Basic Electrical Devices and Basic Circuit Designs by providing complete resources for the quick assembly and disassembly of simple breadboard experiments (No Soldering Required). A Student Workbook guides students in the connection of circuits, making measurements and observations, and arriving at conclusions. All experiments are performed at low voltage levels. Each concept is presented simply with easy-to-follow circuit diagrams. Available Case Stored (-C) or Drawer Stored (-D).
HEE-A-E Electronics Segment Option
HEE-SC Solar Energy Segment Option
P.O. Box 563
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
(Toll Free) 800-253-2133 or 888-HEC-CORP
Local: 413-525-3981
Fax: 413-525-4741
Hampden offers a variety of electricity and electronics training programs to suit virtually any course objective - industrial arts, pre-vocational, vocational, or technical. Hampden supplies the total program, including kits of experimental components, breadboarding apparatus, interconnecting leads, power supplies, meters, laboratory benches, and student experimental manuals. Hampden training programs utilize one or more of the following student text/manuals: "Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics" - Hampden Engineering. Available Case Stored (-C) or Drawer Stored (-D).
Copyright 2021 CLICK WebDesigns
The Hampden H-CAI-EE Kit assumes no previous training in electricity. A unified presentation of subjects enables students to develop a thorough understanding of electricity and its applications. Complete resources for the quick assembly and
disassembly of simple breadboard experiments included. (No Soldering Required)
Comprehensive Software Option: H-CAI-SL-EE Electricity Program and Site License
(One Required per School)
The Hampden H-CAI-HEE-A Computer-Aided Instruction Software combines the teaching potential of computer-aided instruction with the proven power of hands-on training.
Fundamental Consumer Electronics, including transformers, capacitors, inductors, filters, amplifiers, etc.
The Hampden H-CAI-EL Kit prepares students to diagnose, repair, verify, and install electronic circuits and systems as well as providing a practical foundation for analog circuits. Complete resources for the quick assembly and disassembly of simple breadboard experiments included. (No Soldering Required)
Comprehensive Software Option: H-CAI-SL-EL Electronics Program and Site License (One Required per School)
The Hampden H-CAI-ECS Electronic Communication Systems provides an introductory course in Electronic Communications including: text, courseware, and laboratory experiments at the technology level. The student will need a good background in algebra and trigonometry fundamentals as well as courses in AC principles and circuits.
Hampden offers a variety of electricity and electronics training programs to suit virtually any course objective - industrial arts, pre-vocational, vocational, or technical. Hampden supplies the total program, including kits of experimental components, breadboarding apparatus, interconnecting leads, power supplies, meters, laboratory benches, and student experimental manuals. Hampden training programs utilize one or more of the following student text/manuals: "Basic Electricity" - Zbar, Rockmaker & Bates. Available Case Stored (-C) or Drawer Stored (-D).
Fundamental Industrial Electronics, including power factor, multivibrators, UJTs, photocells, etc.
The Hampden H-CAI-DE Kit prepares students to design, diagnose and verify standard digital circuits. Complete resources for the quick assembly and disassembly of simple breadboard experiments included. (No Soldering Required)
Comprehensive Software Option: H-CAI-SL-DE Digital Electronics Program and Site License (One Required per School)
The Hampden Model H-ELP-1 Electronics Learning Program includes all of the necessary electronic components, as well as the power and metering equipment, necessary to perform the 39 experiments in the Student Manual.
Advanced Industrial Electronics, including SCRs, Diacs, Triacs, digital logic gates, operational amplifiers, etc.
The Hampden H-CAI-BE Kit teaches students about the behavior of electricity, basic electrical devices and basic circuit designs by providing complete resources for the quick assembly and disassembly of simple breadboard experiments. (No Soldering Required)
Comprehensive Software Option: H-CAI-SL-BE Basic Electronics Program and Site License (One Required per School)